What it is
Group coaching is specialized time for the group to check in, asks questions, and receive clarity on what it takes to implement group processes and projects in an anti-racist, racially equitable way. It takes place on the group level, with two or more colleagues with varying degrees of institutionally-recognized power. Group coaching lasts a minimum of 2 months, and can conclude at the end of a project achieving its goal, or serve as a way to help the group initiate a project or process.
The selection of group coaching is generally a good fit when the staff or members of an organization, agency, or network understand that group coaching should take place after team training, to help the team actually 'implement' racially equitable and anti-racist concepts and practices.
The selection of group coaching is generally a good fit when the staff or members of an organization, agency, or network understand that group coaching should take place after team training, to help the team actually 'implement' racially equitable and anti-racist concepts and practices.
Why it's important
Sometimes we are tempted to receive individual support, which while helpful to achieve personal transformation, does not ensure that racially equitable practices will be operationalized throughout the entire team. Nor does it ensure that these practices are sustainable beyond any one person. And since people enter and exit organizations, agencies and networks all the time, it is critical for the team to have processes in place that promote racial equity and anti-racism with or without the presence of any one particular staff person or member.
Group coaching also provides opportunities for team members to receive hands-on technical assistance support, which can help to solidify the ongoing implementations of racial equity by co-creating infrastructure needed for sustainability to take place.
Group coaching also provides opportunities for team members to receive hands-on technical assistance support, which can help to solidify the ongoing implementations of racial equity by co-creating infrastructure needed for sustainability to take place.
What to expect
GamblinConsults adheres to our values and affirmations to guide our group coaching, whereby we course correct colonial understanding, actions and behaviors, practice love as a verb and embrace the truth that honesty is integrity.
Some things to expect from our group coaching include:
Some things to expect from our group coaching include:
- A Discovery Call to understand goals, a brief history of how the organization, government agency or network of the team members got to where they are on their journey to address racism, and background about who the team members are and what their current understanding of these issues are.
- An initial Co-Planning Session to actively collaborate together to finalize the goals and objectives and timeline.
- Design, administer and review results of intake survey to all team members that will specialize the content of the coaching sessions. Note that clients who select group coaching with our training sessions will have the added benefit of having coaching sessions tailored based on the experiences that team members has in training sessions, which include accounting for pre-existing group dynamics.
- Anti-racist facilitated meetings during our Co-Planning Sessions and during the group coaching sessions.
- Co-creation of anti-racist group norms at the beginning of each group coaching session.
- A set of guiding questions to reflect on and respond to before each group coaching session.
- A set of recommendations and next steps after each group session outlining where GamblinConsults sees opportunities for growth and course correction to go deeper into this work.
- Opportunities to receive technical assistance to co-implement infrastructures to help the team achieve sustainability in their racial equity and anti-racism work.
- Depending on how long group coaching takes place, a Mid-Project Review will take place to reflect and readjust as needed.
- Close-Out Review and Reflection session.